04 October, 2006

Long weekend & being sick

Well, the long weekend is something that should be enjoyed, but spending the day at home on the Monday and mostly in bed as i wasn't feeling well, wasn't great.

Although, due to the fact i love reading, i did start reading a new book in the morning and finished it that night. BTW Raechel, i've read all those books, when do you want them??

Anyway, so i ended up with the flu, which we all know isn't fun and ended up staying at home on Tuesday to recover more and take the cold and flu tablets, more rest was had. Can't believe how boring it is at home during the week.

Started feeling better, it was all starting to 'break down' so to speak and then this morning, was sick and had to call into work sick again with constant sneezing all day and another day taking it easy (and being bored...).

No doubt, i will return to work tomorrow.....


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