15 June, 2007


The only updates that we have so far is the following:

Raech is in Europe...she has done one Contiki tour and as far as we know she had a ball...She went to Scotland and some other parts of England. She has also been to Harrods and a few other places...
We received a postcard the other day saying that she was having a great time!

My sister's unit has settled and so she now has the keys....the current tennants will be there til the end of their lease which is approx end of October.

My Grandmothers house settles today and so it means no more cleaing up for Mum and Dad...they have done a lot of work there already....Nat and I went and helped last weekend. Most of the hard stuff was done so we just had a few little things to move and the chance to say Goodbye to the house.....I've been visiting that house for the last 31 yrs so it's sad to see it go but the new owner is apparantly going to renovate it. I'm happy that he is renovating it rather than knocking it down.

Apart from this we're just enjoying the much needed rain although some parts of the state are getting flooded....this weekend we're going to paint if the weather is good...otherwise we'll relax and catch up on sleep!!.....

Take care..
Jon and Nat..

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