19 December, 2007

Well, it's official - not only is christmas right around the corner, it is next door. What has happened to this year?? Each day passes quicker than the last and it's totally escaping us. We have been so unprepared this year and that is not something that we are used to and we will need to rectify next year.

Needless to say, we are ready to write off this year and get on with the next one (well February at least for a little break we have planned, not to mention a surprise trip for one of our nieces being bundled within that). We're totally burnt out, we have not had a 'holiday' in over a year now (not complaining as others have it worse but you can really feel it).

We've been having quite a few parties to attend at this time of year - engagement, birthdays, xmas. All we can say is that we don't plan on having kids between the months of September - December [not needing to mention that Beck has the months of September and October covered with the birthdays of her charges??]

Work has been going well for both of us and (not to sound like a broken record), its the same ol' same. Jon's learning more and enjoying more and Nat has been absolutely flat-out (more and more so).

Lately we have been thinking about renovating the house a little and/or moving.... we haven't quite decided what we want to do but we'll most probably scope out the housing market in the areas we prefer, for the next 12 months, and in the meantime just touch up the current house a little bit. Its been five years (which has totally flown) but the house is starting to show its age a little now (to us it does but to others it doesn't).

Anyway, we'll talk to you all shortly and in any case, wish you a Merry Christmas.

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